2016 has been an interesting year.
Late 2015 I decided that I wanted to expand my skills and services. This came about from the number of men who contacted me who were not looking for BDSM, but looking to experience a male to male connection, explore their sexuality or learn more about sex and their bodies.
At first I turned these down, as it wasn’t in the skill set I’d mentally set for myself. As time went on and these calls became more and more frequent it dawned on me that this might actually be something to explore. Around this time I had been pondering just what my future was going to hold. I’d been kicking around the idea of doing some further education, and of course it would make sense for me to pursue something in sexuality. There is very little in the way of courses out there for this topic in Australia, seeing as we generally are quite conservative and prudish when it comes to sex and sexuality, especially if it’s not mechanical heterosexual in it’s flavor.
When I was in the USA last year I had the fortune of stumbling across someone who was a sexologist in a tiny American town to the north. He spoke to me about what he did and the course he took, also how much he enjoyed it. That stuck in my mind and when I started looking for courses in Australia I was disappointed to find they were more psychology “sit on my couch and let me assess you” style. At the time that was all I could find however so I considered doing a degree in either social work or psychology, and then going on to do a Masters in Sexology at Curtin University in Western Australia.
With a bit more internet sleuthing I stumbled across someone in the USA who had a great website, offered very similar services to my BDSM but also was a Somatic Body Worker. This was something I had not heard of, and after a bit of digging found the course and realized it was the same course that the person I had spoken to in the USA had done. Even more of a boon was that there was a course in Queensland!
So that leads me to here and now. I’ve just paid off the final payment for my 2017 course in Somatic Body Work and I’m just about to add a new tab to the website on non BDSM services I offer. and when I finish my course in late 2017 I’ll be able to offer another completely separate set of skills. Exciting stuff.